1. All instructors must have students read and acknowledge receipt of the Course Policies at the beginning of the course. (There are two separate course policies-one for online and one for in-person) Please be sure you hold students accountable for following the policies.
Should an issue arise, please get in touch with tgamils@teachercentercw.org or jliebersohn@teachercentercw.org.
2. All in-person instructors must download the attendance sheet on MLP and have students sign in at the beginning of each class. Attendance sheets must be submitted to TCCW.
3. All instructors must have students complete the post reflection found in the TCCW Instructor Materials folder. This will need to be submitted to TCCW on the last day of the class with your attendance sheets.
4. When the course has ended, all instructors are expected to mark participants complete on MLP. Please have this done no more than three days after the period has ended.
Required Documents for Instructors
Course Submission Form
The provided should send a current resume to TCCW before being contracted to teach a workshop or course.