Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn: Field Editor, Science and Children, the National Science Teaching Association’s journal
Toni Gamils: Programming/ STEAM Advisory Board TCCW: Co-Director TCCW Nasa Distinguished /STEM Educator
Victoria Garufi: Director of Education CELF -As Director of Education, Vicky is responsible for guiding CELF’s educator team to plan and implement all professional development programs. Before joining CELF, Vicky spent 12 years at the Sarah Lawrence College Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB) in Yonkers.
Steve Giglio: Teacher / Mentor Blind Brook UFSD: Educator grades 6,7 and 8 Technology. Steve serves on the STEAM Committee as an advisory group to District Administration. He has also been on the Policy Board of the TCCW and presented at our STEAM Conferences. Michael Giordano: STEM Educator/Valhalla Schools
Michael Jernegons: Is an educator and innovator with experience in creating and implementing educational programs that excite and motivate students in the Mount Vernon School District. His background in business, special education, math, and science informs his mindful approach.
Francina Jubilee: Experienced certified teacher, who has taught for over 20 years in the Mount Vernon City School District. She has two master’s Degrees (Secondary /Student with Disabilities and School Building Leadership. Also, Francina has over 11+ years’ experience with the MVCSD many online programs: I-Ready, Pearson (envision), Discovery Education, HMH Think Central (Collections), and McGraw Hill.
Kimberly Latinville: Steam Educator, The Eastchester Union Free School District.
Ann Marie Kiernan: Educator from the Mount Vernon School District. She is the Retired Teacher representative for the Teacher Center of Westchester and Policy Board.
Stephanie Taylor: Science Teacher Blind Brook School District TCCW Instructor and STEAM conference coordinator